Helsinki districts Lauttasaari and Maunula join Canemure

News 2023-08-29 at 13:55

Lauttasaari Canemureen

In its home stretch, Canemure has gained reinforcements as the Helsinki districts Lauttasaari and Maunula decided to join the project. The subproject looks into the realised carbon emissions of buildings in the two districts.

During the project, an application will be developed which calculates residential buildings’ carbon footprints on the basis of housing companies’ energy consumption and energy renovation data. The project partner Avoin ry will manage a map interface through which it is possible to inspect and compare the carbon emissions of housing companies and other data relating to energy efficiency.

During the subproject, residents will be provided information on improving a housing company’s energy efficiency through communications and events. The aim is for at least 10 per cent of buildings in Lauttasaari and Maunula to report their energy consumption data to the project while it is ongoing.

Map source: Avoin ry

The subproject will also look into the emissions of the private transport of Lauttasaari and Maunula residents in cooperation with Traficom. The aim is to increase residents’ awareness of the significance of their own choices and encourage them to choose low-emission forms of transport in their daily lives. The project aims to decrease private transport emissions by 10 per cent in Lauttasaari and Maunula.

With all of the actions taken, carbon dioxide emissions in Lauttasaari and Maunula are expected to decrease by a total of 1,000 tCO₂e during the project and two years after its end.

Housing companies and building management agencies are interested

Data collection on the energy consumption and realised energy renovations of housing companies began in the spring of 2023. The project has caught the interest of housing companies and building management agencies in the districts. Data collection on buildings will continue throughout the project. The schedule for the map interface has yet to be settled, with preliminary results likely to be available in autumn 2023.

In spring 2023, information on the subproject has been communicated through the Lauttasaari and Maunulan Sanomat newspapers, the project’s home page, newsletters, social media and Lauttasaari-Seura’s events. On 18 April 2023, the project group organised a “Climate-smart housing companies” seminar in Lauttasaari, which covered the themes of energy renovations, electric vehicle charging stations, solar power systems and carbon-smart yards, among others.

Professor Jyri Seppälä from the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) talked about the significance of consumers’ choices in the journey towards a carbon-neutral district. In addition, separate events have been organised for the boards of housing companies, where the project coordinator has presented the project in greater detail.

Two climate seminars are coming up in Lauttasaari in the autumn of 2023. Both seminars will present the progress of the Canemure project and its results, as well as other content. Communications on the project and its themes will also regularly go out in the Lauttasaari and Maunulan Sanomat newspapers, newsletters and social media channels, among others.

The transport emission survey is expected to take place in early 2024. It will be carried out in cooperation with Syke and Traficom. Around the same time, low-emission forms of transport will be highlighted in the project’s communications and events.

Unique data for the use of all municipalities and cities

Lauttasaari has declared itself a test area. The subproject will network and scale the experiences gained in other districts with the support of the City of Helsinki’s Helka ry. Data and experiences will also be shared through the Carbon Neutral Finland website and the Sustainability Leap database. The subproject hopes that the carbon emission calculation model for buildings and map interface that will be developed during the project can be expanded to all Helsinki districts and possibly other municipalities within some timeframe. The project’s results will also be shared with the EU through reports and articles.

The Carbon Neutral Lauttasaari 2030 project group has worked on a volunteer basis since 2020 to promote and spread awareness of climate and environment issues.

Learn more about the subproject:

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