Home > Publications Publications of the Expert Platform Canemure project produces publications about project's results and best practices. The following publications are available in English:Reports Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions - Main results of the LIFE IP Canemure-Finland (Issuu.com) Research articles Auvinen, K., Meriläinen, T., Saikku, L., Hyysalo, S. & Juntunen, J.K. (2023) Accelerating transition toward district heating-system decarbonization by policy co-design with key investors: opportunities and challenges. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 19:1 (tandfonline.com) Nousiainen, N., Riekkinen, V. & Meriläinen, T. (2022): Municipal climate communication as a tool in amplifying local climate action and developing a place brand. Environmental Research Communications, Volume 4, Number 12 (iopscience.iop.org) Karhinen S., Peltomaa, J., Riekkinen V. & Saikku L. (2021): Impact of a climate network: The role of intermediaries in local level climate action. Global Environmental Change, Volume 67 (sciencedirect.com) Nissinen, A., Seppälä, J. & Heinonen, T. (2022). Make carbon footprints available – And it is not just one value. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 3. (doi.org) Serial publications The role of regions and impactful climate actions in achieving a carbon-neutral Finland SYKEre 11en/2022 (Helda) Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) method - Use for evaluating the climate impacts of public procurement (Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 15en/2020) Hinku annual report Working towards carbon neutrality - Hinku network’s annual report 2022 (Issuu.com) Canemure Best Practices Recommendations and best practices related to different themes: Harnessing renewable energy and excess heat through heat storage (6/2022) (Issuu.com) Solutions to key challenges in municipal climate work (11/2020) (Issuu.com) What will a car cost you and the climate? (11/2020) (issuu.com) Utilising alternative fuels and technologies in city buses (11/2019) (issuu.com) Published 2020-04-21 at 14:21, updated 2025-01-21 at 10:48 Suomeksi På svenska In English Share: More More publications (in Finnish)