Home > Climate action > Forests > Literature on the climate effects of harvesting forest biomass Literature on the climate effects of harvesting forest biomass Learn more about research data concerning the climate effects of harvesting forest biomass, categorised into themes.Consistent selection of reference situation Quantifying the climate effects of bioenergy – Choice of reference system (ScienceDirect) Attributional life cycle assessment: is a land-use baseline necessary? (SpringerLink) Approaches for inclusion of forest carbon cycle in life cycle assessment – a review. Helin 2013. GCB Bioenergy (Wiley Online Library) Assessments of the impact of sinks and substitution in the use of Finnish forests Climate Change Mitigation Challenge for Wood Utilization—The Case of Finland. Environmental Science & Technology (acs.org) Metsät biotalouden raaka-aineena ja hiilinieluna (luke.fi) (pdf) Effect of increased wood harvesting and utilization on required greenhouse gas displacement factors of wood-based products and fuels (ScienceDirect) On the trade-offs and synergies between forest carbon sequestration and substitution (SpringerLink) Assessments of the impact of sinks in final felling and thinning Global warming potentials of stemwood used for energy and materials in Southern Finland: differentiation of impacts based on type of harvest and product lifetime. Helin 2016. GCB Bioenergy (Wiley Online Library) Assessments of the climate effects of forest bioenergy production Indirect carbon dioxide emissions from producing bioenergy from forest harvest residues. Repo 2011. GCB Bioenergy (Wiley Online Library) Forest bioenergy climate impact can be improved by allocating forest residue removal. Repo 2012. GCB Bioenergy (Wiley Online Library) Wood decomposition model for boreal forests (ScienceDirect) Toward a More Comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment of Biofuels: The Case of Forest-Based Fischer–Tropsch Diesel Production in Finland. Environmental Science & Technology (acs.org) Metsäbiomassan energiakäytön ilmastovaikutukset Suomessa. Suomen ympäristö 5/2011. (helda.fi) Biomassan energiakäyttö: Vaikutukset hiilinieluihin ja ilmastopäästöihin. Sampo Soimakallio. (koneensaatio.fi) (pdf) Reporting and calculation of GHGs for the UN climate agreement Frequently Asked Questions - IPCC-TFI (iges.or.jp) Common metrics (UNFCCC) Collected by Head of Unit Sampo Soimakallio, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke). Published 2021-10-29 at 9:46, updated 2023-04-11 at 11:05 Suomeksi In English Share: Opens in new window Opens in new window