On this page, we have compiled frequently asked questions about the Accelerating Climate Efforts and Investments (ACE) project. If you do not find an answer to your question here, you can contact us directly. You can find the project's contact information on the Contact page.
What is the Accelerating Climate Efforts and Investments (ACE) project?
The Accelerating Climate Efforts and Investments (ACE) project is a Finnish collaboration involving over 50 participants, funded by the EU's LIFE program. The project promotes climate solutions, implements demonstration investments, disseminates best practices, and supports ambitious policies to achieve Finland's climate goals.
The project runs from 2024 to 2030.
Why is the project needed?
The ACE project helps accelerate emission reductions in Finland, particularly in the effort-sharing sector, focusing on areas where emission reductions are challenging: agriculture, heavy transport, machinery, and high-temperature processes in small and medium-sized industries. Emissions from the effort-sharing sector account for up to 62% of all emissions in Finland. Finland has agreed with other EU member states to halve its effort-sharing sector emissions from 2005 levels by 2030. Currently, Finland is not on track to meet this target. Additionally, Finland is committed by its Climate Act to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035.
How is the project funded?
The project's primary funding comes from the EU's LIFE program. Some project partners also receive funding from the Ministry of the Environment (ELY), the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Syke and Luke), and the Ministry of Transport and Communications (Syke).
Who is involved in the project?
The national collaboration project, involving over 50 participants across sectors, includes public sector organizations, research institutes, universities, companies, and foundations. A list of all partners and collaborators can be found here. Additionally, the project has working groups on various themes.
How does the project impact emissions?
The Accelerating Climate Efforts and Investments (ACE) project impacts emissions both directly and indirectly. The project reduces emissions directly through pilots and investments. Additionally, the project aims to scale these investments and actions, and improve the accessibility and effectiveness of climate financing. The project develops recommendations to enhance policy measures and invests in education and communication.
How is the project's impact monitored?
Projects funded by the LIFE program undergo a lengthy preparation and application process, during which the funder assesses the effectiveness of the project's actions. During the project, its results and activities are regularly evaluated using impact indicators and by the EU.
If the project does not meet its set impact targets, the funder may withhold part of the granted funding. The impact targets are numerical and very concrete.
Through communication, interactive activities, and broad participation, the project aims to achieve impactful results and respond to the needs of a changing operating environment. However, it is important to note that achieving the project's impact targets for emissions and climate financing depends on political decision-makers.