Mineral potential and the national mineral exploration concept

The EU's Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which entered into force in May 2024, requires the member states to create a national mineral exploration program to promote the assessment and utilization of critical and strategic raw materials. Critical raw materials include many elements that are needed to implement the energy transition (e.g., Li, Co, Cu, Ni, rare earth metals) and on which industry in the EU region depends.

According to the regulation, the program must include:

  1. mineral mapping at a suitable scale;
  2. geochemical campaigns;
  3. geoscientific surveys, such as geophysical surveys;
  4. processing of the data gathered through general exploration, including through the development of predictive maps;
  5. reprocessing of existing geoscientific survey data to check for unidentified critical raw material occurrences or minerals

In the REPower-CEST project, we formulate the basis for the creation of the national mineral exploration concept required by the CRMA, as far as the concept concerns research institute's responsibilities. To develop the concept, the role of various stakeholders (universities, research institutes, companies) is examined. In addition, we investigate possible funding models for the implementation of the required survey and research programs. The third item of examination is the most cost-effective and environmentally least harmful set of methods, which can be used to increase the potential of finding critical and strategic raw materials required by the energy transition.

The concept is tested in practice

The work includes testing parts of the concept in northern Finland in the southwestern Peräpohjola region. As geoscientific surveys (item 3 of CRMA), geophysical measurements (reflection seismic profile measurement and gravity measurements) will be carried out in the area during 2024. Based on these measurements and the existing data, the structural architecture of the mineral systems in the area is modelled with 3D modelling and an updated prospectivity map is produced for the area (items 4–5).

In addition, a more detailed study of the Vähäjoki iron–copper–cobalt–gold deposit will be carried out. It combines geochemical research (item 2) and re-evaluation of existing materials and ore geological concepts in terms of critical raw materials (item 5).

Further information

The Geological Survey of Finland is responsible for the content of this page, as part of the REPower-CEST project.

Funded by the European Union, NextGenerationEU
Published 2024-06-18 at 14:17, updated 2024-06-19 at 13:58
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