Lauttasaari-Seura ry: Towards carbon-neutral city districts

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The aim of the Lauttasaari-Seura subproject is to look into and decrease the emissions from buildings and private transport in two Helsinki districts. The project is also developing methods for reaching the area’s residents and encouraging other districts to join the climate work.

Carbon emissions from buildings made visible with a map

During the project, the realised carbon emissions from buildings in Lauttasaari and Maunula are being surveyed. Data on housing companies’ energy consumption and energy renovations is being collected directly from their boards, as well as building management agencies, open databases and the Helsinki City Housing Company.

On the basis of this data, carbon emission figures will be calculated for each housing company on the basis of realised heating, electricity and water consumption. For the first housing companies, the calculation was completed in October 2023.

Emissions from buildings are illustrated for residents using Google My Maps. On the map, residents can independently inspect and compare the carbon emissions of their own housing company with others. The project provides information to residents on improving the energy efficiency of their buildings through communication and events.

Towards low-emission traffic

During the project, the emissions of the private transport of Lauttasaari and Maunula residents are surveyed in cooperation with Traficom. The aim is to increase residents’ awareness of the significance of their own choices and encourage them to choose low-emission transport in their daily lives.

The project group informs and influences residents’ transport habits primarily through communication and events. There will be a car-free day in Lauttasaari and information will be collected from residents on the challenges of pedestrian and bicycle traffic with the help of a map application. With these actions, the emissions of Lauttasaari’s and Maunula’s private transport are expected to fall by 10 per cent.

Residents as active environmental influencers

The Hiilineutraalit kaupunginosat (Carbon-Neutral City Districts) subproject was born thanks to the activity of residents. Lauttasaari-Seura’s Carbon-Neutral Lauttasaari 2030 project group has worked on a volunteer basis since 2020 to promote and spread awareness of climate and environment issues. Active work for climate issues has also been done in Maunula over the last few years. Lauttasaari-Seura and Maunula-Seura see residents as active influencers who are interested in the development of their own home area and environment.

In 2021, the Carbon-Neutral Lauttasaari 2030 project carried out a climate survey for the residents of Lauttasaari, which investigated the attitude of residents towards, for example, saving electricity and heating, mobility, recycling and climate change. A follow-up survey will be carried out during the Canemure project to see how residents' attitudes towards these issues have changed compared to 2021.

During the project, residents are regularly informed of its progress and results. The project group publishes data in e.g. the Lauttasaari and Maunulan Sanomat newspapers, the project’s home page and on social media. In addition, results will be presented in Lauttasaari-Seura’s upcoming climate seminars and other possible events. The project group delivers data on the project’s progress to Helka ry, through which climate activity will, hopefully, expand to Helsinki’s other districts.

Results expected from the subproject

  1. At least 10 per cent of buildings in Lauttasaari and Maunula report their energy consumption data to the project while it is ongoing.
  2. The emissions of private transport decrease by 10 per cent during the project in Lauttasaari and Maunula.
  3. As a result of the project’s actions, carbon dioxide emissions will decrease by a total of 1,000 tCO₂e during the project and two years after its end.



Contact information

Project coordinator Elisa Julin, tel. +358 50 479 7551,

Published 2023-08-25 at 12:27, updated 2023-12-13 at 15:36
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